Chris Weinhold in an interview with Frank Raddatz from the Theater of the Anthropocene about the delusions of the present, the Green New Deal and experimental arrangements for a culture that seeks to decouple the social from the logic of violence.
On a weekend in October, scientists, artists and authors will talk about our future at the RambaZamba Theatre. Together we will imagine and discuss what might be in store for us, within the discourses of urban nature, the body, soils, the rights of nature, cycles and art.
How do we have to transform ourselves and our behaviour to become sustainable? These and other questions are addressed in the new series of talks The Earth and Us at RambaZamba Theatre. The first edition focuses on the topic of sustainability. The discussions will involve: Dr. Anna Luise Kiss ( Headmaster of the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Art) and Matthias Koller (Umweltbundesamt in Dessau). The discussion will be hosted by Dr. Frank Raddatz, artistic director of the Theater of the Anthropocene, with which the RambaZamba Theatre cooperates in various formats.
Call for Papers: Theatre/Drama/Theatre Text and Climate Crisis
In cooperation with the DFG network “Untersuchungen zur Gegenwartsdramatik”, on 13 and 14 October 2023, the LMU Munich and the Theatre of the Anthropocene, the University of Łódź is organising an interdisciplinary conference on the topic of theatre and the climate crisis. In this context, we are looking for contributions on innovative dramatic or non-dramatic forms. Application deadline is the 31st of March 2023.
Lawyers of Nature: Performance and Panel Discussion
On 1 December, the production ” Lawyers of Nature” premiered at the RambaZamba Theatre. Another performance will be shown on Sunday 04 December. On the same day, the panel discussion “The rights of nature as a cultural turn” will take place at 2 pm.
On 5 November, a public discussion organized by the Berlin University Alliance took place at the Museum für Naturkunde, addressing the question of how theatre at the interface of art and research can create new perspectives on science. One of the key note speakers was Frank Raddatz, artistic director of the Theatre of the Anthropocene.
We have recently updated the “Student Projects” section of our website and added some new works to our digital collection. Feel free to visit our virtual exhibition.
The Theater of the Anthropocene organizes the event ” Wasser im Wandel” in cooperation with the international literature festival berlin (ilb) and the Berlin University Alliance project AnthropoScenes. In addition to a staged reading of the play “Das Wasser” by Kathrin Röggla, this evening will include an open dialogue with the author as well as scientists from Berlin universities and the Einstein Research Unit “Climate and Water under Change”.
Actors, puppeteers, scientists, experts, artists, filmmakers thus work together on the interface of art and science on the topic of forests to create new knowledge that offers unexpected connections – sensual, moving and surprising.
with Johanna Bantzer and Julia Krause (theater), Joachim Borner and Frank Raddatz (science/theater), 11:00 a.m.
Using artistic and scientific means, we approach an ecosystem in transition. The first part will be short lectures on the moorland landscape, while the second part, outside the door, will be fairy tales. A co-production of Kultur Kolchose of Büdnerei Lehsten, Projekthof Karnitz and Theater des Anthropozäns.
In the garden pub we will spoil you with regional diversity at the Regiobrunch.
Too much. Too little. Too dirty.
A Salon on the Future of Water in Berlin-Brandenburg
Inspired by the Berlin salons of the 18th century, AnthropoScenes will host an evening filled with performances, art and science to explore climate and water in Berlin-Brandenburg. Join musician Kevin Mooney (former bassist with ‘Adam and the Ants’), dancer Ziv Frenkel, actress Claudia Burckhardt, as well as researchers from various Berlin universities to exchange and create sustainable water futures. In addition to the performances, participative surprises as well as spontaneous performances await! Light fare and drinks will be provided.
Segal Center Film Festival on Theatre and Performance (FTP) 2022
Anthropos, Tyrann (Ödipus)
by Alexander Eisenach
The TdA is participating with the co-production “Anthropos, Tyrant (Oedipus)” in the international Segal Center Film Festival on Theatre and Performance (FTP).
The production is directed by @kidEisen and can be seen on the festival website until March 15.
Deutschlandfunk Kultur: Über das Leben in den Ruinen des Kapitalismus -
Matsutake. Ein Pilz im Anthropozän
Podcast: Feature on Deutschlandfunk Kultur about a mushroom as a symbol of the global economy and the ramifications and symbioses of the Anthropocene. With excerpts from the production “Critters” and a conversation with Frank Raddatz, artistic director of the Theater of the Anthropocene.
YouTube: Here you can find the recording of the panel discussion “New Languages for Planet A” with Frank Raddatz from TdA, philosopher Andreas Weber and others.
Event note: Agnieszka Słodownik, editor and podcaster at the cultural magazine “” will lead a discussion as part of the project “New Languages for Planet A”, organized by the magazine “Dwutygodnik” together with the Goethe-Institut and the Genshagen Foundation. Among others, Frank Raddatz from TdA and philosopher Andreas Weber will be present.
radioeins - Thursday for Future: "Der perverse Waschsalon"
Podcast: Julia Vismann took a look at the science project “AnthropoScenes”, a cooperation of the TdA with various Berlin universities, which aims to shed light on our relationship to water with the “Perverse Laundromat”.
Event notice: This perverted washing saloon presents a variety of performances on the future of water in Berlin and Brandenburg by artists as Kevin Mooney, Ziv Frenkel, Claudia Burckhardt and many more. Developed as a cooperation of the Theater des Anthropozän together with Humboldt-Universität, Freie Universität Berlin and Technische Universität Berlin in the context of the Berlin University Alliance.
Article:Together with the Theater of the Anthropocene, the Einstein Research Unit CliWaC is hosting a salon on the future of water in Berlin-Brandenburg.
Nestroy Prize in the category "Best Performance in the German-speaking World"
For the production “Anthropos, Tyrann (Oedipus)”, created in collaboration with the Volksbühne Berlin, the Theatre of the Anthropocene is nominated for the Nestroy Prize 2021.
Event notice: Antje Boetius and Frank Raddatz will discuss the cooperation between science and art and the question of solidarity with our damaged planet.
Event notice: The scenic-musical reading “Requiem for a Forest” is the opening performance of the “Thementage Anthropozän”, organised by the foundation “Kunst & Natur” in Nantesbuch.
Guest Play "Critters" & Premiere "Kasper im Reich der Regenwürmer"
Event notice: At “Mysterium Boden” the Theatre of the Anthropocene presents the world premiere of the “Kasper im Reich der Regenwürmer”. In the evening the performance “Critters” will be shown.
Event notice. For the next two weeks you can visit the Open Humboldt Festival at Campus Nord. The TdA will present its performance Critters on 19th and 20th of August as well as two workshops on arts, theatre and the Anthropocene on 24th and 26th of August.
The 4th Forum Anthropozän will take place between 17 and 19 June. Antje Boetius and other guests will discuss about the reconciliation of man and nature as well as about the transformation of our economic system-
The experimental laboratory “AnthropoScenes” starts on 1 July. This transdisciplinary project is coordinated by the Theatre of the Anthropocene and the Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys) and focuses on the topic of water.
Watch Antje Boetius in the discussion series “Weimar Controversies” about the relationship between humans and nature that has gone off the rails. The event is available as a video stream as well as a podcast.
“The book shows the search for a theatrical grammar for a theatre at the cutting edge of the times, which shows its audience the loss of biodiversity and melting polar ice caps,” Martina Mescher writes in her review of Frank M. Raddatz’s “Das Drama des Anthrpozäns” in the current issue of “der Freitag”.
Event note: See Antje Boetius in the online symposium on the question of whether, in the face of constantly successive crises, the state of emergency is gradually becoming our new normality?
New publication: Frank M. Raddatz’s book on the role of theatre in the emerging planetary age is now available. In addition to an essay, it contains a conversation between Frank M. Raddatz, Antje Boetius and the historian of science Hans-Jörg Rheinberger.
Through Antje Boetius’ performance in Alexander Eisenach’s production, something quite unique emerges, Sascha Westphal writes in his review of “Anthropos, Oedipus (Tyrant)”: “Documentary theatre and tragedy converge, art and activism enter into a dialogue that even reminds one a little of Erwin Piscator’s theatre in the 1920s”.
Inspired by the “Theater des Anthropozän”, the Bremen Shakespeare Company is planning to develop a unique performance on the topic of climate change. This idea was discussed together with Frank M. Raddatz as part of the “Netzgespräche” series.
Event Notice: The Theatre of the Anthropocene and the Volksbühne Berlin join forces to celebrate the resurrection of tragedy under the threats of the Anthropocene. Inspired by Sophocles’ Oedipus, this production presents a 360-degree livestream theatre experiment at the intersection of art and science.
In 2020 the foundation AlltagForschungKunst, partner of the Theatre of the Anthropocene, developed and implemented the project “Erfinderische Expeditionen” (“Inventive Expeditions”). See the results of the interactive project here.
Water - Resource of Life Global Challenges and Local Solutions
Event Notice: The third event of the German-Chinese dialogue series “ME (ER) TAMORPHOSEN” takes place on Saturday, 12 December. The envorinmental scientists Li Fengting and Jörg Niewöhner will join us as guests. After the discussion there will be an exclusive screening of the film “Medea” by Su Xiaogang.
Event Notice: The second event of the German-Chinese dialogue series “ME (ER) TAMORPHOSEN” takes place on Saturday, 14 November. Participants will be the Professor for Literature and Cultural Studies Joseph Vogl and the Professor for Philosophy YU Mingfeng.
Event notice: At the opening of the “Culture and Sustainability” web platform, the President of the Humboldt University Prof. Sabine Kunst as well as Dr. Frank Raddatz (Theater des Anthropozän), Prof. Christoph Schneider (Humboldt University Berlin) and Prof. Szymon Malinowski (University of Warsaw) will discuss issues relating to art and sustainability. Afterwards a video recording of the scenic reading “Requiem for a Forest” will be shown.
Event notice: Guest performance of the “Theatre of the Anthropocene” at the event “Über Deutschland denken / Denken über Deutschland / Deutschland überdenken”.
Do you want to go on an inventive expedition? These are developed and implemented by the foundation AlltagForschungKunst, a partner of the Theatre of the Anthropocene.
Read the full interview with Antje Boetius on “Art and climate research and the role of art in communicating climate science findings” at
Learn more about the conference “Climate meets Theatre – On the theatrical narratability of the climate crisis” at the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Berlin on